Monday, December 28, 2009

Finally back!

Hey everybody! Spent some time at my parent's house this christmas. Took a few days off and proceeded to do absolutely nothing for a few days. Felt pretty good to just sit and relax for awhile. Things are going good now, I'm pretty excited the rest of the winter will be pretty decent work wise. No real money problems or anything so its just a matter of producing cool work :D! I'm pumped to possibly get in some time for personal work(which I haven't done in months :(). Bought myself an Intuos 4 Large tablet, I'll let you know if its worth the money or not D:. Waiting for Chelsea to get back from her christmas break so we can have our own christmas here :D.

So yea, expect some more activity on here in the coming months! I'll try my best to make time for myself. Got a bit of catching up to do though with a couple commissions. At least theres no more giant looming deadline...

I'm also back doing the Crimson Daggers stream everyday @9am EST. I was gone for a bit but its cool now. If you wanna participate then feel free to drop in or rewatch an old stream.

Heres my continued Repin study from today's Crimson Daggers stream.

Metal! Wolf - 'American Storm'


  1. what does that mean in pacific time? whats the time difference....

    and i agree has become a money grubing bunch.. selling shit in 2 parts... when they can just give it for free or at least sell the whole thing for 1 price.. isntead of splitting it in 2 or maybe even 3!

  2. I am trying hard to get into a schedule of productive timetabling :) so that i can join you every once in a while since these are on at 1am for me. Hope you have an awesome year dude!
