Check it out!

But anyways I wanted to put forth a challenge... If anybody is interested! Basically I don't have much webdesign skills(as you can most likely see) but I had to get somethin up and out there. For the future though I was looking to have it redesigned so that its more presentable. Doesn't have to have a million features or whatever but it should just be a cool splash page. It may need ad placement as well in the future if you'd like to take that into account. So anyways, if you'd like to lend a hand that would be awesome. I'd love to check out people's mockups of the Daggers website. I'd rather see it designed by a fellow dagger who knows what theyre doin anyways haha.
This is pretty much all it needs to include -
- Crimson Daggers logo - can use this for placeholder i suppose
- links to the Livestreams, sketchbooks, and blogs
- has to include redness, blood and possibly switchblades in design
- has to have the mission statement up top(the current one was just thrown together.)
- has to include stream details(currently below mission statement)
So anyways, if you're interested please submit whatever mock ideas you may have to Don't mean to ask for free services or anything but I'm runnin the daggers for free at the moment D:. Not much money rollin around in the pockets. Figured I would reach out to my daggers for some love. Hopefully theres a couple graphic dagger designers out there :D!
Thanks everybody!
Metal! Keel - 'Thunder and Lightning'
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ReplyDeleteAn sich n cooler post, aber kannst beim nächsten mal n bisschen detailierter sein?
ReplyDeleteH0t6Sk iwojhxekmyrr, [url=]ewklvbgvdpjq[/url], [link=]dghdodbgwwbo[/link],
ReplyDeleteSuper Artikel, jetzt muss ich nur noch jemanden finden der Ahnung davon hat und mir das ganze nochmal im Detail erklären kann.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing about this. There's a lot of great tech information on the internet. You've got a lot of that info here on your site. I'm impressed - I try to keep a couple blogs fairly live, but it's a struggle sometimes. You've done a great job with this one. How do you do it?
ReplyDeleteHey I just wanted to let you know, I really like the written material on your site. But I am employing Firefox on a machine running version 9.10 of Xubuntu and the design aren't quite correct. Not a serious deal, I can still basically read the articles and explore for info, but just wanted to inform you about that. The navigation bar is kind of tough to use with the config I'm running. Keep up the superb work!
ReplyDeleteI was reading something else about this on another blog. Interesting. Your perspective on it is diametrically opposed to what I read before. I am still mulling over the different points of view, but I'm leaning heavily toward yours. And irrespective, that's what is so good about modern-day democracy and the marketplace of thoughts online.
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ReplyDeleteHi, I applaud your blog for informing people, very interesting article, keep up it coming :)
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ReplyDeleteI think that that was really interesting. Good post!
ReplyDeleteumm... I am not
ReplyDeleteHi - really great site you have established. I enjoyed reading this posting. I did want to issue a comment to tell you that the design of this site is very aesthetically pleasing. I used to be a graphic designer, now I am a copy editor in chief for a merchandising firm. I have always enjoyed working with computing machines and am attempting to learn code in my spare time (which there is never enough of lol).
ReplyDeleteOP: I could be slow (lord knows I have been told lol) but you made totally no sense...