Sunday, February 28, 2010

This Tuesday... Janaschi & Hannes(algenpfleger) on Crimson Daggers!

So... Just got word from Hannes that he'll be joining me along with Janaschi over Skype on Tuesday's Crimson Daggers session to answer questions and talk about studies! Should be a lot of fun, hope to see you all there!

If you don't know them, heres some examples of their work & studies!

Janaschi - studies and personal work!

Hannes! - studies and personal!

So thats Live on Tuesday March 2nd, Crimson Daggers!

Hope to see you all there! Click the Crimson Daggers banner above to go to the LiveStream and you can follow me on twitter for updates!


  1. dam it, i have to work i hope to god u archive it or save it so i can listen to it.. this is too important.. and their studies are insane!

  2. This is the best Birthday present ever! Thanks, Dave!

  3. It will be my birthday also :) I hope we get a replay! I'll be at work...
