Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Daarken Interview Tonight!

Hey everybody! The new interview is tonight! Plus I got a post of my enviro studies... Which isn't very exciting soooo... New interview tonight!

Live Interview with Daarken tonight @6pm EST on Crimson Daggers! - Click! - 

- NOTE for European Viewers -

For those of you who have watched before at this time gotta know that we've had our daylight savings last sunday(europe isn't for a couple weeks) so this interview for you guys will be one hour before the usual time. 

 Daarken is a Freelance/Concept Artist working fulltime(probably literally) @ Mythic Entertainment and on various other projects including Magic: The Gathering!

Heres my environments from the past week... minus one crappy one D:


  1. Nice to see the studies here! :) I'll tune in later for Daarkens (gotta finish my still life!).

    thanks for everything man.

  2. Hey Dave, donno if you had the time to browse through internet, but here's the vid I mentioned you earlier about Arenanet.


    Thanks for the work you're doing to help us.
