Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Workin Workin Workin

Hey everybody!

Just wanted to update since its been sooooo long. I'm almost ready to get back into doing my daily Crimson Daggers... Although it may be at a later time(gotta switch things up!). At the moment I'm working on my upcoming Schoolism class and trying to wrap up some other jobs to get back on track. Moved out of the mountains and into New Bedford, MA as well! Not really my kind of city but its only a pit stop really til I take off to Seattle in a month or two. So right now its just a matter of saving money and finishing work.

Once things cool down in a few days everything should be back to normal(or I hope so at least)! So to all my Daggers who were wondering if I died... I haven't! The Crimson Daggers will ride again and very soon. Promise.

I'll try and scan some of the stuff I've been workin on soon as well. Kinda stopped doing the digital studies and have mostly concentrated on my lines for the past few weeks. Really gotta work on liiiinnesss all the time!

Anyways, I'll see you all later!


  1. Hey Dave, great to hear youre back. I think I speak for everyone when I say your work is a constant inspiration and your drive and motivation is a priceless resource for all of us aspiring illustrators! I have the Crimson Daggers logo as my desktop wallpaper, so it keeps me goin every morning to work hard. Lookin forward to seeing your new stuff!

    Long live EXCITER!

  2. OH great to hear from you man. will be waiting to see more of your RECENT work :D

    Take care.
