Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dark Sun

Hello everyone! Just got my copies of the new Dungeons and Dragons - Dark Sun campaign books in the mail today. Did a few pieces in it but wished I could've spent more time on them...  Not all too proud of them considering who did the books when they first came out. But its still cool to see your work in books!

Postponed my trip to Seattle by a whole year. Going to be moving to Boston in the meantime. Its really too bad theres hardly anybody around Boston who works in the industry(that I know of anyways). Was looking forward to hanging out with everyone in Seattle, but its alright. Just made a deal with my girlfriend to stay here another year to be close to family and friends before we leave. Maybe I'll try and organize some stuff while I'm in Boston though :).

Still working on my Schoolism Class and all my other work. Got tons of stuff to finish up before the end of the month. After I move to Boston I'm gonna have to start up the Crimson Daggers again. Been trying to do that while I've been at this temporary apartment but theres just too much stuff going on. Looking forward to it!

Heres some Dark Sun stuff -

Theres more but these were the only ones I liked...

Now I gotta get back to training! Trying to improve everyday so my images stop looking so goddamn dark in print :(.


  1. Hope everything goes well for you man, been thinking of how much I miss the daggers :) Just finished my study, off to other stuff now :)
    Best wishes from Romania and hope to see the stream again fast :)

    Bless :)

  2. Hey Dave, nice to see you posting some work. Dude you're keep on improving!! :D

    Great work!

  3. You should hook up with some of the guys from the WIP podcast. They just started a life drawing session there too.

  4. looking tight yo

    erm why not hit up a kinkos, and do some test printz on some photo paper?? these are looking pretty dope on the comp tho..

  5. Love the lighting on the second one!! You might not like these guys so much but think there is some improvement going on, your colours seem a lot more vibrant and in your face.
