Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Haunting of Harrowstone Steps

Hey everybody! Been awhile since I updated. Realize I said in my last post that I'd put up the process for my last cover. So here it is! Tried to get it ready before but my photoshop crashed twice while doing it for some reason... Stopped after that.

Hope this helps!

Metal! Vektor - Hunger for Violence


  1. It is helpfull! You really have a sense for composition, specially when you focus the scene on the main character of the story: The Fox!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Dave!

  3. Hey, Dave! I've been following your work for almost a year now, and just wanted to say thanks for how much you've giving back to the art community. I'm still learning, but I don't think I'd even be where I am right now without generous people like yourself.

  4. Love it. Thank you for sharing...BTW It's amazing how you can start so messy and not get lost in such complex picture :)

  5. Hey Dave. Nice stuff, it's always cool to see the process behind these quality of illustrations. Out of curiosity, from step 1 of that process (not brainstorming but rather, from that first frame, basically) to finished illustration, how many hours do you usually sink into a piece like this?

  6. thanks for sharing man, you rock!

  7. Thanks for sharing! Each one of these helps with color a little more and more >_<
