Sunday, September 28, 2008

Heres my studies and one I finished today.


Ricardo said...

You have really nice images here. Just don't forget to post on your old blog saying you have started a new one... I was constantly checking your old blog for updates, when a casual google search told me you had started a new one, hehe.

Have fun!

JosefKn said...

Told you on already: Awesome work man! keep sharing - you are a major inspiration!

Eric said...

The boxing ones looks awesome, reminds me of Steve Huston's work
keep it up!

Albert said...

Hi ... I stumbled on your website by mistake. I was looking in Google for PDF software that I had already bought when I found your site, I must say your page is pretty informative, I just love the theme, its amazing!. I don't have the time today to fully read your entire site but I bookmarked it and also signed up for your RSS feed. I'll back in a day or two. Thanks again for a cool site.

rapozaart said...

Thanks! although you responded to a much older post :). Hope you read ahead as I've started a whole bunch of things since.

Trinidad Boxer said...

Hi!. Thanks for the info. I've been digging around for info, but i think i'm getting lost!. Google lead me here - good for you i suppose! Keep up the great information. I will be popping back over in a couple of days to see if there is updated posts.

rapozaart said...

haha, yea weird. I update all the time, this is a super early post of mine. Ton more came after this.