annnnddd, I'm gonna keep leaving music links to whatever I mostly listened to while I worked... Mostly because it surely influences how fast I paint/subject matter(for the most part).
WOLF! Love this band! Theyre everything I love about metal... This album is the newer one, their older stuff is awesome as well(if you like this stuff).
I love your work! Any chance you'd do a tutorial to explain your technique? :D
Yea I plan on it! I'm just moving right now and am having to get a good amount of work done! I'll update everybody on here when I can get some extra time :). Thanks!
Great work! Love your CA sketchbook as well your progress is inspiring and your latest work is fantastic keep up the progress. Your WoTC gig is well deserved congratulations.
check out amon amarth if you don't already know about them.
Thanks man! I love amon amarth :)!
Sick as usual Dave. I love the little music clips too. It's fun to hear what you're hearing as you crank out a piece. You working in PS or Painter, mainly?
That's a cool expression! Looks like he's singing :p
thats awesome
Thanks dude! I'm workin all in photoshop.... Painter is so hard for me haha :)
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