Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tonight's Sketch

Worked this up little under an hour tonight. I'm not happy that I can't finish it... but I'm in the middle of packing and working for me move. Hopefully soon I can work longer on these!

Painted to this :


Eric Braddock said...

Dude, sick! An hour? That's pretty damn sweet for an hour. So awesome :) Good luck with the move!

rapozaart said...

Thanks man! Yea, gotta start taking more posters off the walls haha. Packing and working doesnt really work...

Hows your Wizard dude comin?

Eric Braddock said...

Look at it this way, at least packing and moving isn't your job ;P haha

He's coming along great! thanks for asking, such a large piece though... I should have it done next weekend :)

rapozaart said...

I used to move furniture haha, I enjoyed it! Its a lot easier than doing this stuff hahaha. Thats for sure.

good to hear! I'll check back that weekend