I've got a lot of stuff I wanna cover in my next post but I've already spent a lot of time putting this together today so its gonna have to wait!
Hope you guys get something outta the video! And feel free to leave me questions or suggestions for my next video :).
Click here and watch the video in HD to catch the details :)
Thanks for posting this!
I usually work directly color in color -and it's only been lately that I've begun experimenting with monochromatic pieces with color overlays.
I've been interested in learning more about how others approach their art like this. Working monochromatic first is a refreshing change and allows me to focus more on form and value than color.
ok value is kicking my ass, i think this is where im suppose to axe my questions.
question: ok so when u paint in value do you keep in mind what color its going to be and try to stay in that value range.. or does any color work if u lay it down, if the values are correct?
I suck at starting with color too :)
Wow that video kinda answered all the questions i had before on how you do your work. Thanks for posting it. Top quality nice job!
Tell the truth...your kitty does the actual paints, you just deposit the checks. :)
Thanks for another great video. Really learning alot from this technique, as one of my main and constant challenges is maintaining value range in my color work. This helps so much.
Thanks! Cool, if you have any other questions though I'm totally lookin for some! Gotta find somethin to talk about in my next video :)
He does D:! Thanks for checkin out the video! Really happy you could get somethin outta it!
Thanks for watchin! Yea thats why I started doing it, to focus on my form and value. Helped me a lot!
Thanks! I don't really keep in mind what color the character will be as I like to just be surprised by what works/what doesnt. I sometimes will do a very basic sketch to lay down some colors but thats mainly for client work... And I'd say it sort of hinders me to work that way. Its just more fun to do everything without planning(to a point anyways). I'll try and go more into depth in my next video!
Hey David nice videos, this stuff is priceless for color newbies like me. I made a more or less quick painting inspired by your vid, pls take a look at it and tell me what you think. thanks!
Great stuff man! Just keep working at your values. It helps to desaturate other images from artists you really like or from photos to see what kinda range they get. Keep on practicin dude!
I will! thanks a lot for the advice and keep on making those cool videos.
i woudln't mind seeing u do some enviornments :)
thanks for sharing dave, can you recommend a reading material for achieving good tonal values.
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