Anyways, as promised, heres the download to the psd of the Zombie I did tonight! All seperated layers!
Click here for the PSD Download!!!!!!
Big thanks to Johnny Fowle(jfowle) for the host!
if not I'll try and find a place tomorrow, too tired now D:
Thanks for watchin everybody!
Exciter! Violence and Force
excellent stream Dave.
nice of you to post your asset from the evening.
If you needed a suggestion, i do believe that Deviantart allows you to upload a .psd file, or even a .zip file.
I've done it before for line-arts and such.
That'd probably be the most easily accessible to a lot of people.
take care! :D
awesome demo! thanks for the psd file :)
Thanks man, glad you liked it!
Thanks for the suggestion! Got a guy to host it for me though :D
Great idea, dave! Awesome work as always... Congratulations, dude!
Glad you like it :D, thanks!
Are you going to do speed-paints or something similar with your livestreamed pieces? Due to bandwidth limits, i can't watch livestreams during the day :( and I'd absolutely love to watch. I've learned so much from your speed paints and other tutorials. Thanks so much for sharing!
i enjoyed the live stream. keep up the good work.
I missed it :(
But gratz for the Mignolia Original
Thanks man!
ooohhh, already got you with the livestream re-watch action :D! Really happy to help!
Thanks a lot, you can always rewatch the LiveStream by going to my livestream page and clicking "on-demand". Therse a couple up there :). They range like 1-4 hours D:
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