If you do want me to go through the whole thing just let me know and I'll do the best I can.
For more information on Love and a Sandwich's toys and how to purchase <3... Go ahead and check out her website!
The illustration was based off her new line of Monster Babies!
Please click here & click HD to view all the little details... Small video posts just don't cut it.
Heres some metal!
BTW- If anybody is looking to have some work done I'm trying to get in some more commissions on the side! Gonna put whatever I get for work towards buying a new microphone so my videos don't sound so crappy! haha
this was a great video it would be even greater if you could do a one more focused on going from the finished grayscale to adding the color to it :)
Oh, wow, that's pretty much whatoren dotan asked. *facepalm*
I know you generally cover how you move from gray scale to color in your vidyuhs, but do you think you could go a little more in depth some time? That's something I really have troubles with, when I paint from b/w to color.
Thanks for the video, my fiancee and I settled down to watch it together and we both enjoyed it very much. If you could desrcibe the process you're using during the video (what types of layer/blending mode you're using, what sort of bruch you're using etc) that would make the video much more interesting. Love your style, am defintiely gonna be checking back in on this blog soon!
Thanks! Yesss, I totally will :D.
Thanks! I'll try my best to get somethin like that out :)
Thanks man! I'll try to go more into depth with all that stuff real soon :). Thanks again for watchin!
Thanks man - and yeah, you pronounced it right haha.
just wanted to thank you for this awesome vid.. i notice the grey scale u dont do too much highlights and stay in the mid range to dark... then do everything else once color is added lik highlights...
anyways i voted yes on the indepth version yay!
btw: saw the bobby chui stream with ur thing in it.. i was surprised he didnt' know who u were and seemed intimedated by ur drawing hahaha
do you merge all of your layers ? i ask as i just recently started with digital painting (been a traditional artist all of my life) and i was heavily inspired on how you work. anyway i have done a few paintings and on my recent one i did it in grey scale and then colored it like you do, well for the most part as iam still learning. long story short, i went o merge the layers and the piece looked like shit. i dont know what i did wrong. the piece is still a wip but i should have it done shortly.
keep up the great work, your work is amazing.
i will take the liberty to reply,
if ur using layer options like multiply or overlay and u merge, hte bottom layer has to be completly filled in.. if it has transparent parts it will look like a piece of shit... so yeah the bottom has to be 100% opaque
hope that helps
I tend to leave a solid color as the base layer, and leave that blending mode on normal. If you're doing the Grey Value/Color technique, white or nuetral grey tone is good.
I know you've already made a full length vid of your process with the zombie girl and her kitty, I have to say, another in-depth process video...yea, how could we pass on that? Definitely yes to that idea.. I love these things and I very much appreciate your efforts in making them.
thanks, it does !
Great Stuff!
...and yes, I'd really like to hear a blow by blow of your process. I'm interested in how you choose to use blend modes, opacity, etc.
Thanks for sharing your process!
Thanks for watchin! I'll try and be thorough!
Alright cool! I'll try and put it together soooooon :).
Hi Dave, thanks a lot for your video, it certainly help to speed up my work flow by millions, cos i used to spend a week or more to paint! But i do have simple question to ask.
I notice somewhere in between the grey scale process, you did something that filled the canvas with some greys so as to remove as many whites in the canvas as possible, but not the whole canvas itself. I tried to slow down the video and watch it carefully but the whole thing is just too fast! It seems that you did this with many of your videos (after sketching then boom! suddenly there's plenty of grey coming out) but I just can't figure it out, mind if you enlighten me about this process?
Thanks a million!
Thanks for checkin out the videos :D! When I'm filling in the grays I just create a new layer on top of my sketch, set the layer style to multiply(the drop down menu), and fill it with a gray tone. Then I take a soft eraser brush set to like 10-30% opacity and erase out my highlights. Then I proceed to painting on another normal layer on top. Hope that helps!
It's my pleasure to view the videos. Thank you so much for the clarification :) It is been a great help!
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