Other than that I got some good stuff comin(I hope its good :O)! Bobby Chiu asked me to do an iPhone app with him and soon it'll be released for purchase on the iphone app store. I'll be part of his Artist Sketchbook series! It was really to go back and collect personal works(a lot of which I finished specifically for the app) and create new illustrations exclusive to it. Below are a couple preview images! I'll update again when it becomes available :D. Then you can help support this David in need.
So heres the cover and a couple pages! -
I'll be posting regularly again soon! Finally getting through the rough patch!
Metal! Fearless Four - 'Just Rock' D:
awesome work man!! And congrats on the iphone app!
Hahaha love the fishy guys, especially the middle one ! :D
I really liked reading your post!. Quallity content. With such a valuable blog i believe you deserve to be ranking even higher in the search engines :). Check out the link in my name. That links to a tool that really helped me rank high in google. This way even more people can enjoy your posts and nothing beats a big audiance ;)
Andrew - Thanks man!
Clo - Yea, I hope get some more time to do some more... Thanks Cloooooooo!
Ebonie- Thanks you goddamn robot!
Didn't even see these comments til I transfered my old blog over here :(.
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