Friday, February 26, 2010

Interview! Plus some more random info.

Hey everybody! Crimson Daggers just ended and I'm getting read to start on work! But before that I figured I'd drop this piece of info for you if interested. I did an interview for Dark Wolf's Fantasy Reviews the other day and it just got posted this morning.


Also I may be doing something with ImagineFX in the future(not sure exactly what just yet). Will post more as they tell me :D. Or not if they don't want me to haha. Should be cool though, I'm always interested in doing how to's and other workshop style stuff. Hope its cool!

So, until I got some more stuff to post heres a  photo study I did today with the Crimson Daggers!

Metal! - Venom - "Welcome to Hell"


John Silva said...

I can really feel how proud you are of us Daggers!

Great interview (but most of the stuff we already knew hehe)

Keep it up Dave ma' man!

Dave Rapoza said...

Thanks man, I'll see you tomorrow!

Kure Ou said...

Imaginefx? Awesome! =D I'll be sure to buy a copy! Let the daggers know when the issue is out XD

Dave Rapoza said...

I will! Thanks! I really can't wait to do it!